Discipleship Resources
Get resources for T4T/reproducing discipleship and for nurturing discipleship.
Nurturing Discipleship
Every believer should grow as a disciple of Christ. Such growth has three dimensions, which we can summarize as knowing, being, and doing:
- Knowing: God, His Word, and His plan for all nations
- Being: Conformed to the image of His Son
- Doing: Glorifying God through life and ministry
Our Lord tells us we are to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. This document helps us to do that. We encourage everyone at Desiring God Community Church to read the details of these dimensions, and identify components to focus on in the months ahead. We encourage you to spur one another on through partnering with others at DGCC or at likeminded area churches through focusing together on certain components: Reading and discussing a book together, sharing the Gospel together, discipling a new believer together. We pray that in this way we may fulfill Ephesians 4:15-16:
We are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.
This document is a draft, and may be revised in the months ahead. But please use it now as a guide for the God-glorifying growth that we long to see among us.
For those considering cross-cultural missions, there are additional components to fulfill under each of the three dimensions. Please discuss these components with a Cross Cultural Missions team member or an elder.
Note that all links below are to free resources. Books that are not linked are available for purchase through the standard bookstores.
Three Dimensions of Growing as a Disciple
Dimension 1: KNOWING: God, His Word, and His Plan for All Nations
- The Storyline of the Bible
- Suggested Resources:
- Creation to Culmination: A Summary of the Bible’s Storyline
- The God Who is There by D.A. Carson (audio, video)
- Inductive Bible Study Methods
- Suggested Resources
- How to Read Your Bible, online class at biblicaltraining.org taught by George Guthrie
- Theology
- Suggested Resources
- Knowing God by J.I. Packer
- The Pleasures of God by John Piper (DGCC Study Guide Available)
- Missions
- Suggested Resources
- Perspectives on the World Missions Movement course
- Let the Nations Be Glad
- Christian Hedonism and Discouragement
- Suggested Resources
- When I Don't Desire God by John Piper (DGCC Study Guide available)
- Marriage and Singleness
- Suggested Resources
- Teaching Notes on Marriage and Family by Coty and Beth Pinckney
- The Goodness of Singleness audio sermon by Fred Balbuena
- One of these two books:
- The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller
- This Momentary Marriage by John Piper
- Worldview
- Suggested Resources
- New Testament Worldview by Vern Poythress, Chapter 3 in Revolutions in Worldview, edited by Andrew Hoffecker
- Key DGCC Teaching
- What is God's Plan for Church Leadership? (6 sermons) audio text
- The Lord Added to Their Number Daily Those Who Were Being Saved
- What Changed At Pentecost?
- The Gospel for Two-Year-Olds - Like You!
- The Grace of Giving (audio text)
Dimension 2: BEING: Conformed to the Image of His Son
- Understand the Goal
- Suggested Resources
- Qualitative Measures of Spiritual Maturity
- Create a plan for regular devotional life: Prayer, Bible study, memorization: personal and family
- Suggested Resources
- The Bible Unity Reading Plan
The Shorter Bible Unity Reading Plan
- Regular attendance at churchwide services and meetings
- Regular involvement in a small group
- Becoming a reproducting disciple
- Suggested Resources
- T4T/Reproducing Discipleship Seminar
- What Jesus Started: Joining the Movement, Changing the World by Steve Addison
- Develop Biblically sound skills in transforming interpersonal conflict
- Suggested Resources
- The Peacemaker by Ken Sande
- Resolving Everyday Conflict by Kevin Johnson and Ken Sande
- Develop Biblically sound skills in transforming spiritual conflict
- Suggested Resources
- Spiritual Warfare, online class at biblicaltraining.org taught by Gerry Breshears
Dimension 3: DOING: Glorifying God Through Life and Ministry
- Practice T4T/Reproducing Discipleship
- Share your story and disciple others regularly
- Serve your family
- Serve the body of Christ through ministry and giving
- Serve your colleagues/employer
- Serve your community/city/country
- Serve the nations
- Develop action points in the areas relevant for where you are in life in discussion with an elder, mentor, or small group leader
Draft 4/12/2013, links updated 9/6/2018
Resources for T4T/Reproducing Discipleship
DGCC creation to culmination
DGCC creation to culmination story 1
DGCC creation to culmination story 2
DGCC creation to culmination story 3
DGCC creation to culmination story 4
DGCC creation to culmination story 5
DGCC creation to culmination story 6
DGCC creation to culmination story 7
DGCC creation to culmination story 8
DGCC creation to culmination story 9
DGCC creation to culmination story 10
How to lead the seven stories of Hope in a Home
Relationships Story 1
Relationships Story 2
Relationships Story 3
Relationships Story 4
Relationships Story 5
Relationships Story 6
Relationships Story 7
Two Kingdoms Gospel Presentation
Guidelines for the Public Reading of Scripture