
See the different ways you can get involved.

Children’s Ministry

Sunday school is provided on Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m.

Children’s Sunday School Classes for All Ages:

  • Ages 3-5 – He Established a Testimony
  • Grades 2-5 – To Be Like Jesus
  • Grades 6-8 – How Majestic is Your Name
  • Grades 9-12 – Series on Worldview

Nursery is provided on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m.

Every Sunday there is nursery provided for children during the church service. We will have a Bible lesson and snack during this time. Please let us know if your child has any food allergies.

Children’s Ministry Photo


God’s greatest passion is for the glory of His Name. He created mankind for the glory of His Name. He redeems us from our sin for the glory of His Name. And He sends us out to reach all nations with the Gospel for the glory of His Name. Missions exists because worship doesn’t.

But this passion for His glory is also a passion for our joy. For our greatest joy comes from delighting in the God Who made us to be His.

Thus, our mission statement is a statement about missions:

We exist to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ.

God is bringing together those from every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and forming them into His perfect bride, the church. He gives us the great privilege of being His ambassadors, the ones through whom He proclaims the great message of salvation and joy in Him.

We have supported long term missionaries in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, as well as indigenous field workers in Asia. We give at least 30 percent of all local offerings to missions.

Tuesday Prayer Meetings

Tuesdays at 6:15 to 7:15am at Starbucks, 1401 East Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28203.

Prayer and discussion of the previous Sunday's service and sermon. All are welcome.

Prayer Meeting Photo

Make Welcome

Make Welcome is a sewing group showing the love of Christ to refugee women in the Charlotte area, in association with Project 658. We do that by providing them with friendship, community and entrepreneurial opportunity. In the short term, women learn sewing skills and practice English. Over the long term they develop friendships and community as they are welcomed with open arms.

For more information contact

International Students

For many years we were actively involved with other local churches reaching out to the international student community at UNC Charlotte. We hope to begin that involvement again post-Covid.

International Students Photo