Jerry Richardson, Alex Murdaugh, and You

On Wednesday, Jerry Richardson died. On Thursday, Alex Murdaugh was sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering his wife and son.

Richardson brought the Carolina Panthers to Charlotte and was a revered member of the community until allegations came out in 2017 concerning his treatment of employees. Murdaugh comes from a prominent legal family – indeed, his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather served as solicitors/district attorneys continuously from 1920 to 2006, in charge of every prosecution in five South Carolina counties, including Colleton where Murdaugh’s trial took place (and where my ancestors lived).

Though there is a huge difference in the severity of their sins, the parallel is striking: Both seemed to be unassailable; both fell dramatically from their esteemed positions.

How should we Christians respond to the sins and subsequent fall of these two men? Consider five ways:

First: We should not be surprised. The Apostle Paul tells us, “There is no one righteous, not even one” (Romans 3:10). Scripture tells us that even pillars in biblical history such as Abraham, Moses, David, and Peter sinned. Other than Jesus, your greatest hero is a sinner.

Second: We should be thankful when justice is done. Jerry Richardson had to step away from the team he loved; barring successful appeal, Alex Murdaugh will never leave prison. God sets up government in part to implement temporal justice, punishing those who do evil (1 Peter 2:14). Praise God for justice.

Third: These cases should drive home truths about sin we so easily ignore: Sin always deceives; sin always is discovered; sin always destroys. We are tempted to believe the lie that this appealing sin really will be good for me; that this time no one will ever know; and that I can avoid any negative consequences of the sin. But Scripture makes clear that every sin – from the first in the Garden of Eden to the one I contemplate today – leads to the destruction of joy, not the deepening of joy. In God’s presence, following His paths, there is fullness of joy – and nowhere else (Psalm 16:11). And Jesus tells us that in the next life if not in the present, “What you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops” (Luke 12:2-3).

Fourth: We should praise God the Father for providing forgiveness and reconciliation for sinners via the sacrifice of His Son on the Cross. Jesus’ first public exhortation is as true today as it was 2000 years ago: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15). Jesus came not to gather to Himself people who were sinless, but to call sinners to repentance and thus salvation (Luke 5:32, 1 Timothy 1:15). And that salvation can extend even to murderers – like David, like Alex Murdaugh.

Finally: The lives of Jerry Richardson and Alex Murdaugh should prompt us to examine ourselves, to root out and bring to light the sin within us. Personalize the truths about sin: My sins deceive. My sins destroy. My sins will be discovered. Yet I am forgiven if I repent, trusting only in Jesus’ sacrifice for my standing before God. Thus, we should repent from our known sins, turning away from them, and pray that God would reveal to us those we don’t recognize. As David prays in the psalm we are presently memorizing: “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” (Psalm 139:23-24).

[I first heard the three “sin always …” statements in a 1985 sermon on David and Bathsheba by Gary Vanderet; it does not seem to be available on the internet. I used those statements in a 1998 sermon and a 2018 blog post based on that sermon – Coty]

Christmas, Confession, and Forgiveness

This season we will sing one of Charles Wesley’s great hymns:

Hark! The herald angels sing,
“Glory to the newborn King;
Peace on earth, and mercy mild:
God and sinners reconciled!”

How does the birth of the King lead to the reconciliation of God with sinners?

As 1 John 1:7 tells us: “The blood of Jesus [God’s] Son cleanses us from all sin.” That is, Jesus took on Himself the punishment that we deserve for our rebellion against God. On the cross, God “laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6). These benefits of His death accrue to all who trust in Him as the payment for their sins, who see Him as their true King, who treasure Him above all the world has to offer. Then, reconciled to God through Jesus, we live our lives to His glory – not sinlessly, but continually forgiven because of the redemption we have in Jesus.

Thus, John continues in his first epistle:

“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:8-9)

1 John 1:9 leads to a question: Is our forgiveness contingent on our confession? John has just said that believers can’t say they have no sin. We all sin every day. We confess those sins that we are aware of. But what about the sins we’re not aware of? Can I be lost – not reconciled to God – because I never confess the sins I’ve failed to recognize?

The question arises from a misunderstanding of the verse. John is not talking about a one-for-one relationship between a sin confessed and a sin forgiven: “I lusted after this woman; now I confessed it; only then does God forgive me.” Rather I confess my general sinfulness and any known sins upon coming to faith; I confess my sinfulness and any known sins daily to my loving, merciful Father; I regularly ask Him to search my heart and see if there is any grievous way in me (Psalm 139:23-24); I rightly agree with His Word in calling sin sin and not belittling or making excuses for any of my sins; I hate my remaining known and unknown sins and actively “pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness” (1 Timothy 6:11). That’s the idea behind “if we confess our sins.” Having done that, I trust that God is faithful and just to forgive all known and unknown sins and present me as perfectly clean before Himself because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

Understood this way, confession is not something over and above “believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). Confession is the daily manifestation of faith in Jesus, a daily living out of recognizing Him as Savior, Master, and Treasure, a consistent exhibit of the Gospel of God’s grace.

The baby in the manger we celebrate this season is God in the flesh, come to give His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45), so that all of us sinners who believe in Him can be reconciled to God the Father, and then live as His beloved children every day.

So joyfully confess your sins before Him – and, forgiven in Christ, live out the true meaning of Christmas.

True, Joyful Community in Diversity

Beth writes today on her blog about the true, joyful community she witnessed after church this Sunday, looking around at the people from nine different language groups and various ages and ethnicities loving each other.  Here is a sample of what she observes and gives thanks for:

  • Twenty-something young men who love, encourage, tease, laugh with, play soccer with, teach Sunday School to, and just generally enjoy the teen guys at church.
  • Our precious Congolese teen girls, three sisters, here on a visit from Raleigh and the happy news that they are moving back.
  • A Chinese man sitting at a table with an American man poring over Bible and sermon notes.
  • An elderly African American couple, bulwarks of this little church, who have been away traveling and were back and receiving lots of hugs and warm “welcome home’s”.

Read the whole thing – and rejoice in our Savior whose death and resurrection free us from the sins that separate us, and unite us in one Body for His glory.