The Confusion of Christmas

The Confusion of Christmas

  • “Happy Holidays!”
  • “Best wishes for the Festive Season!”
  • “Peace on earth!”
  • “Merry Christmas!”
  • “Joy to the World!”

We have heard and read and sung such expressions this season. Praise God, Jesus’ birth is a time for celebration:

  • The angel Gabriel says to Zechariah, You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth” (Luke 1:14).
  • Mary sings, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” (Luke 1:46-47).
  • The angel says to the shepherds, “I proclaim to you a good and great joy” (Luke 2:10).

The long wait is over! The Child is born! He is Savior and Lord!

But taken in isolation, those expressions are misleading. For the message of Christmas is not peace to all. The coming of Jesus is not joyous to all mankind. The incarnation of the Lord God is not merry to many.

We see this in our own day. Many do not recognize the baby in the manger as Christ the Lord. Of these, a few – following after Ebenezer Scrooge – therefore refuse to celebrate at all. But most are unlike Scrooge. They take the opportunity to celebrate whatever they treasure, whether debauchery or riches or family and friendship.

Our passage, Luke 2:22-52, makes clear that Christmas is not about a general sense of celebration – not even a celebration of family and friendship. Yes, the long-awaited Messiah is born, and those who believe in Him should rejoice and celebrate. Yet Luke follows his account of the celebration by angels and shepherds of Jesus’ birth with a report of Mary and Joseph’s confusion and consternation.

From the start, Jesus is not what people expect him to be. He becomes a dividing line. Praise God, His coming leads to the rising of many in Israel. But His coming also leads to the fall of many. There is no peace, no goodwill for them. Thus, Jesus is a divider. So we must ask ourselves: Which side am I on?

So the message of Christmas is not: Celebrate! The message of Christmas is: Receive the Gift of Salvation! Then celebrate the Giver!

We’ll examine our passage under two headings:

  • A Savior – for Whom?
  • A Son – to Whom?

A Savior – For Whom?

Luke has already told us about Zechariah and Elizabeth, who were “righteous before God, walking blamelessly” (Luke1:6). They were devout. They kept a clear conscience before God. When they sinned, they made use of the sacrificial system, the provision in the Law for dealing with sin

Joseph and Mary are similar. At a time when many ignored the Law and others lived up to it outwardly but violated it inwardly, this couple lived by it. Luke 2:22-24 provides evidence of this. According to Leviticus, Mary needed to be purified after giving birth. Also, every firstborn needed to be redeemed according to the Law. In addition, it seems as if Mary and Joseph are dedicating Jesus in a special way to God, like Hannah did with Samuel. So Mary and Joseph intend to accomplish all three of these purposes when traveling the seven miles from Bethlehem to the temple in Jerusalem.

When entering, they meet another righteous, devout person: an old man, Simeon, who is “waiting for the consolation of Israel.” That is, he is waiting for the Messiah. He believes the prophecies. He knows the Messiah is coming.

The Spirit has revealed to Simeon that he would see the long-awaited Messiah before dying (Luke 2:26). When his eyes fall on the infant Jesus, the Spirit lets him know: “This is He!” So Simeon comes up to Mary and – likely to her surprise – takes the baby in his arms.

Luke 2:33 tells us that the couple “marvel” at what he then says. The word translated “marvel” can also connote surprise, or being disturbed. Here, Mary and Joseph are definitely surprised, and quite possibly disturbed. Why? Let’s consider Simeon’s words.

After praising God and declaring, “I’m ready to die,” Simeon goes on to say, “My eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared before all peoples.” Jesus is that salvation. But in what sense is He “prepared before all peoples”?

The picture here is similar to David’s image in Psalm 23:5: “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” Jesus is the feast, the Christmas dinner if you like. Indeed, Jesus will say, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35), and, when speaking of bread, “This is my body which is for you” (1 Corinthians 11:24).

For whom did God prepare this feast? God prepared this feast “before all peoples,” for all nations. He set the table in front of all peoples. Every people group is not only invited; every people group will attend. Whatever race, whatever customs, whatever majority religion, however many centuries of rejecting the Gospel – those from every people group will find salvation in Jesus Christ, every people group will feast on Him.

This message is in the Hebrew Scriptures (see Psalm 67:3,5 and many others). Yet for the most part, Jews – even devout Jews like Joseph and Mary – had missed that truth. They saw the Messiah as coming to help them. They knew other nations were involved somehow – they knew that other nations would recognize that they were truly God’s people. But they didn’t see the Jewish Messiah as coming to save all peoples. So this idea is confusing – disturbing even – to Joseph and Mary.

But Simeon doesn’t stop with that statement. In verse 32, he calls that salvation – Jesus Himself – a light. Then he explains how Jesus is a light in two different ways. First, He is a “light for revelation to the Gentiles.” The word “Gentiles” here refers not to non-Jewish individuals, but once again to nations, to people groups. All these nations are walking in darkness. They desperately need the light of the revelation of Who God is, and how to be put right with Him. Jesus is their salvation.

Second, Jesus is also a light for glory to God’s people Israel. This is what Joseph and Mary expected and longed for. The Messiah will come and show that those who loved His appearing were right. They will be glorified. God will show that He has not forsaken them, despite the centuries of oppression.

So the Messiah serving as a light to show the glory of true Israel is not a surprise. But Israel – in particular, Jesus Himself as the True Israel – being God’s chosen means of blessing all nations was not expected even by devout Jews, and thus this idea surprises Jesus’ parents. Simeon in effect says, “Mary, this son of yours is not only the Messiah who will redeem Israel. He also will save all peoples, even those who have oppressed Israel.”

Mary’s head must be swimming at this when Simeon speaks directly to her in in Luke 2:34-35, adding another element to her consternation:

“Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.”

Consider first what comes before and after the parenthetical phrase.

Some within Israel will rise when they encounter this child. Their hearts will be revealed, showing that they truly follow God, they truly love Him with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. He may confuse them; they will not always understand Him. But they will love Jesus’ appearing.

Others won’t rise. They will stumble over Him. They will fall. Their hearts will be revealed, showing that they are in fact opposed to God, no matter what their official title might be.

Of course, this happened in Jesus’ own day. The High Priest, the chief priests, the Sanhedrin as a group opposed Him. They stumbled over Him. Their hearts were shown to be against God, not for Him.

And the same still happens today. Some long for His appearing. Some – even some with the title of pastor or bishop – mock it.

Luke 2:36-38 add to this point by speaking of elderly Anna, who like Simeon is devout and looking forward to the coming of the Messiah. After seeing Jesus, Anna speaks of Him to “all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.” The clear implication: While some are waiting for this redemption, others are not. She doesn’t even speak to them.

My friends, Jesus ultimately divides all people into two groups: Those who long for Him –  who love Him before they see Him, who know Him upon seeing Him – and those who don’t. Jesus is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel. Simeon and Anna both bring out this point

But I don’t think this idea surprises Mary, for in her song of praise (Luke 1:46-55) she says, “His mercy is for those who fear Him” (and thus His mercy is not for those who don’t fear Him); “He has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts” (for the proud set themselves up in opposition to Him), and “He has brought down the mighty from their thrones” (for He is the only ultimate power).

Mary knew from the Old Testament that the proud, the mighty within Israel would not follow the Messiah, and that He would overthrow them. She knew that only the remnant, the true, believing remnant, would follow the coming King. So, this idea is not what surprises and disturbs her.

The surprise is found within the parenthetical phrase in Luke 2:36: A sword will pierce her soul. This is the first hint that being the mother of the Messiah will bring pain to Mary. Of course, she has already experienced some degree of pain and inconvenience.

  • She became pregnant before she was married.
  • Her plans for her life were turned upside down.
  • She had to make a journey of several days while pregnant.
  • She gave birth in far from ideal circumstances.

But Simeon suggests a much deeper pain, a much more piercing sorrow. Why? She’s the mother of the Messiah! His kingdom will last forever! All generations will call her blessed!

The Holy Spirit allows Simeon to get a glimpse of the suffering Mary will go through following the rejection of her son by the religious leaders. This, too, is the first indication that there will be a major delay between His incarnation and the time when all will bow down before Him.

This is the confusion of Christmas. Jesus comes as King over all, but He also comes to divide. There is no cause for celebration at Christmas for those who refuse to submit to Him.

Furthermore, although those who long for His appearing should celebrate His birth, even for them there is reason for sober judgment. For until He comes again, we, like Mary, will suffer if we follow Him. We may lose possessions. We may give up careers. We may lose respect. We may even lose our lives. So we must ask one another: Do you count all else as rubbish compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Him? He must be your treasure – He must be more valuable to you than all else. You can’t take a piece of the Messiah. To be your Savior, He must be your Everything.

So this infant is a Savior – for whom? He is a Savior for the Jews who long for Him, who love God with all their hearts. He is a Savior for those from every tribe and tongue and people who also long for Him. The offer to join the feast stands today: Love Him. Long for Him. Treasure Him. And He will be your Savior.

A Son – To Whom?

Mary and Joseph eventually return to Nazareth, where Jesus grows in physical strength and is filled with wisdom by God’s grace. The next scene takes place when Jesus is twelve (Luke 2:41-52). All Jewish men are obligated to attend the Passover in Jerusalem. This year, Mary and Jesus accompany Joseph. Many from Nazareth and, perhaps, from nearby towns travel together for safety and companionship. After Passover concludes, the caravan begins the several-day journey home. Mary and Joseph don’t see Jesus during that first day of travel but think nothing of it; He has many friends and relatives in the caravan. But that evening, He is nowhere to be found; they realize He did not leave Jerusalem with them. The next day, they return to find Him, but arrive late and once again go to sleep not knowing the whereabouts of their son. Worried, they search for Him the next day.

Where do they find Him at long last? In the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening, questioning. Those hearing Him are amazed at his understanding.

Mary and Joseph are dumbfounded (Luke 2:48). He knew when the caravan was leaving. He knew they expected Him to go with them. What does He think He’s doing?

Mary speaks out, using words similar to what some of you parents may have said to your own child: “Son, why have you treated us so? Behold, your father and I have been searching for you in great distress.”

Jesus’ response provides us with His earliest words recorded in the New Testament: “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49).

Jesus says, “I’m easy to find. It’s necessary that I be here, in my Father’s house. Didn’t you know that? Mother, consider: Who am I? Who is my Father?”

Now, Jesus is not being disobedient or disrespectful. Luke 2:51 makes this absolutely clear: He returns to Nazareth and is submissive to Mary and Joseph.

So why does Jesus do this? To make a point. His actions tell Mary and Joseph, “I love you and respect you. I will always be your son. I will serve you as a son. But I have another calling – a higher calling. I was sent for a purpose. I must be about my Father’s business. And also, Mother, do you feel this pain now? It’s not my intention to give you pain. But as I follow my Father’s plan, I will give you greater pain than this. This is the first of many times when my actions will confuse you. So remember what you have learned. A sword will pierce your own soul. But I am the Son of the Most High. I am the King of Kings. My reign will never end. Trust me. I know what I must do – for your good and God’s glory.”

Mary’s problem is our problem. She had expectations for her Son, the Messiah. Jesus didn’t live up to those expectations. He had his own agenda. He had his own plan. So she was dumbfounded.

What do you expect Jesus to do? How do you expect Him to relate to you? Whatever you expect – He will act differently. Whatever plans you have, almost certainly Jesus will change those plans.

The Christ of Christmas confuses and astounds us, confounding our expectations. The Christ of Christmas will challenge you, stretch you, mold you, break you.

But He is the feast set before you! He is the ultimate joy! His incarnation should lead to a joyous celebration among His people. Christ is born! The Savior is here! And He is Lord!

What is He to you?

Don’t be fooled by the pictures of baby Jesus. A tiny baby in his mother’s arms seems no threat to anyone. Everyone loves a baby.

  • But the Christ of Christmas is appointed for the falling and rising of many.
  • The Christ of Christmas reveals the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
  • The Christ of Christmas divides us all into those who treasure Him and those who oppose Him – there is no middle ground.

He comes to save His people. But He is your Savior only on His terms. And His terms are: Everything. Your possessions. Your future plans. Your family. Everything.

We must love Him with all our heart. We must trust Him with all our lives.

Do you trust Him? Do you love Him? Will you follow Him – no matter what confusing, circuitous route you might take?

The Christ of Christmas is God’s salvation for you.

The Christ of Christmas is a light for revelation to all peoples – including your people.

The Christ of Christmas is worth more than everything you own; He is worth more than all your hopes and dreams.

So take Him! Confess your sinfulness, your lack of love for Him. Confess your mixed desires.  Repent – and find your salvation in the Christ of Christmas.

(This devotion is based on a sermon on Luke 2:22-52 preached Christmas Day 2005.)



The Treasure and Marvel in the Heart of Mary

[by Wil Hester]

What Mary Knew

The popular, modern Christmas song asks the question of what Mary knew about her son. As many have pointed out, God’s Word reveals Mary knew a number of things on that first Christmas.

  • She knew from the angel Gabriel that she was favored of God and that God was with her (Luke 1:28, 30).
  • She knew (just as the angel foretold) she had conceived and birthed a son while she was a virgin (Luke 1:31).
  • She knew her son was conceived miraculously by the Holy Spirit, in the Most High’s overshadowing power (Luke 1:35a).
  • She knew he was to be called the Son of the Most High and named Jesus (Luke 1:31-32a).
  • She knew he was to inherit the throne of his father David, was to reign over the house of Jacob forever, and that his kingdom would be everlasting (Luke 1:32b-33).
  • She knew that He would be holy, even the Son of God (Luke 1:35b)!
  • From Joseph’s dream, she knew her boy was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah, of a virgin bearing a son named Immanuel (God with us) who would save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21,23).
  • From her time with Elizabeth, she knew her son was the Lord who brought great joy to young and old alike (Luke 1:42-44).
  • In her response of praise, we see Mary knew God would mercifully use her son to help His servant Israel and fulfill His promises to Abraham’s offspring (Luke 1:54-55).

Though not explicitly stated, it is likely Mary knew and was thinking of Micah 5:2 (the ancient and strong ruler who was to come from Bethlehem) as she made the trek with Joseph to be registered. When you think of all these things, Mary knew so much! You readers likely know all these things about Jesus as well. And yet God had more to show Mary about Jesus – more that would bring wonder to Mary’s heart. Pay attention, because He has more for us as well.

What Mary Knew Grew

On at least three different occasions in the second chapter of Luke’s Gospel, he gives us insight into Mary’s reaction to remarkable things that took place. Likely these came from personal conversations others had with her later in life. In each of these, we see a sense of wonder, contemplation, and treasuring in Mary’s heart and soul.

The first instance comes after the visit of the shepherds. The shepherds were the first evangelists, making known to Mary, Joseph and others the good news that the angels had declared. This Child was the “good news of great joy that would be for all the people” (Luke 2:11). He was the “Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11). He was the one who already had and would again bring much “glory to God and on earth peace among those with whom [the Lord] is pleased,” (Luke 2:14). Heavenly and earthly messengers sent by God were proclaiming to Mary that her Son was Christ the Lord. The prophecies and promises foretold were all coming true in one person- her Son, the Messiah and Lord! Mary’s response was that she “treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.”  We too must treasure again Jesus being the good news of great joy as our Savior and Lord. He brings glory to God and peace to all who look to Him as their only source of forgiveness and joy.

The second instance of Mary’s wonder comes as she and Joseph bring Jesus to be dedicated at the temple in obedience to Exodus 13:2, 12. Unexpectedly, Simeon takes Jesus in his arms. In a mixture of blessing and prophecy, he thanks God and tells Mary and Joseph that their Son will be a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory to Israel (Luke 2:34), affirming that Jesus is the Messiah. Mary and Joseph learn that His blessings will come to Gentiles as well as Jews. They therefore “marveled at what was said about Him” (Luke 2:33). So let us ask the Lord to expand our hearts again this year to marvel with Mary and Joseph that Jesus’ saving power has reached beyond the Jews, to us Gentiles, even to the ends of the earth!

The third instance comes after twelve-year-old Jesus goes missing for three days, and then is found in the temple with the teachers of the Law. When they express their concern, Jesus asks, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in My Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49). Luke tells us that Mary “treasured up all these things in heart” (Luke 2:51). Treasure this Christmas that Jesus accomplished His Father’s business in His perfect obedience to his Father, His substitutionary death, and His resurrection.  And now again, He is in His Father’s house and expanding that house both in heaven and in and through redeemed sinners like us!

This season, make room for marveling and treasuring more of Jesus Christ. Ponder what He has shown us already, and look forward expectantly to what God will enable us to see of Him in our lives today, and on that Last Day when He returns!

Merry Christmas!